CAMERA GEAR: THE travel CAMERAS as well as accessories TO purchase

Last Updated: 11/12/20 | November 12th, 2020

आज, विज्ञ पेशेवर फोटोग्राफर वरदान नोराले नविकीलाई धेरै राम्रो यात्राका फोटोहरू लिनको लागि पाँच-भाग श्रृंखला जारी राख्दछ। numerous of you are wanting to enhance your travel photography so Laurence is right here to assist us do just that.

In this post, Laurence goes extensive on exactly how to pick the ideal travel video camera as well as gear for your trip.

There is a belief that much better photography gear will correspond to much better photographs. While this is definitely the situation in particular situations, the truth is that it is the skill of the professional photographer that makes all the difference. A pro-level video camera in inexperienced hands will likely result in worse photos than those taken by somebody utilizing an iPhone.

Knowing exactly how to compose a excellent picture as well as exactly how to utilize your video camera correctly are the two many essential parts of taking a excellent photo, with the video camera gear itself coming next in significance after these two.

Sometimes, gear does make a difference, especially for circumstances such as fast-moving subjects or when there is less light available, in which situation you may requirement a video camera with a bigger sensor or a lens with a larger aperture. This is why you commonly see sports or wedding event professional photographers bring such expensive-looking equipment.

But for your typical travel photograph, the gear isn’t going to be the conclusive factor. Rather, it’s essential to get the best gear for you, your budget, as well as your skill level.

How much money Do You want to Spend?

There’s no point costs time taking a look at gear that isn’t in your budget. set yourself a budget plan before you begin, as well as don’t fail to remember to element in lenses, memory cards, spare batteries, filters, as well as other accessories.

There is a legislation of diminishing returns, with a wonderful area currently of around $500–1,000 USD for a solid configuration that will do whatever you need.

Consider these cost guidelines for all the devices you’ll need:

Budget: $150–300 USD

Value: $300–500 USD

Mid-range: $500–1,000 USD

High-end: $1,000+ USD

How much gear are You prepared to Carry?

Weight is a major consideration, as well as you have to be completely truthful with yourself about what you are prepared to bring with you. I’ve commonly satisfied people taking photos with their smartphone who state they have a good costly DSLR video camera sitting back in their hotel space that was “too heavy to draw out today.”

If you’re not the type of person who wishes to bring a heavy device, then don’t purchase one in the very first place. the very best video camera is always the one you have on you, so if you believe you’re going to mainly just be keeping it light, then just invest in a good smartphone or easy point-and-shoot.

For reference, your smartphone most likely evaluates around 6 oz., a point-and-shoot 8 oz., a mirrorless system with a lens around 16 oz., as well as a full DSLR system around 30 oz. अथवा धेरै।

The heavier the equipment, the higher the high quality of construction, especially of the optical elements, leading to higher-quality images. However, unless you are planning on selling your work for high-resolution printing, the difference most likely won’t be noticeable.

This is one more moment to be truthful with yourself. discovering exactly how to utilize a video camera correctly takes time, as well as if you don’t want to do that, then don’t invest in an excessively costly or challenging camera.

I’ve seen people with rigs costing in excess of $5,000 USD, shooting away in car mode as well as wondering why the people with the iPhones are getting much better results. much more costly gear does not immediately correspond to much better photos!

There’s no precise science to figuring out exactly how challenging a video camera is to use, however problem signs include costing more, having much more buttons, as well as having a large manual. The much more challenging the camera, the much more manage that you have, however the harder it will be to accomplish great results without investing time as well as effort into learning.

11 finest Cameras for Travel

The primary difference between video camera types is the size of the sensor inside the video camera — the larger the sensor, the much better the video camera will carry out in lower light, as well as the bulkier as well as much more costly it will be.

The complying with listing is approximately purchased by sensor size, from little (smartphones) to larger (SLRs).

Google Pixel 5: I’ve utilized a great deal of Android phones over the years, as well as Google’s Pixel series is a beast when it concerns mobile photography. It provides full handbook control, double cameras (including a 27mm broad lens), the capabke kk डाटा फर्म्याट, 4K भिडियो, एलएफ फ्ल्यास, साथै कम प्रकाश प्रदर्शन गर्न। (स्मार्टफोन, $ 999 USD

आईफोन 12: म आईफोन व्यक्तिगत होइन तर उनीहरूको राम्रो साथीहरू फोटोग्राफीको लागि असाधारण रूपमा समाप्त भएको छ, अन्तिम पुनरावृत्तिको साथ अन्तिममा। यदि तपाईं एप्पल फ्यान हुनुहुन्छ भने, तपाईं सम्भवतः पहिले नै एक प्राप्त हुनुभयो। (स्मार्टफोन, $ 999 USD USD)

सोनी RX 100 VII: जबकि यो कुनै सस्तो पोइन्ट-र शुट छैन, यो सामान्यतया यसको कक्षामा अति नै उत्तम रूपमा मूल्यांकन गरिन्छ। यो किनभने अन्य मोडेलहरू भन्दा धेरै ठूलो सेन्सर भएको कारणले चित्र उच्च गुणस्तरको एक ठूलो सम्झौता राम्रो सम्झौता हो। यदि लागत एक मुद्दा हो भने, अघिल्लो संस्करणहरूको निरीक्षण गर्नुहोस् जुन अलि सस्तोमा उपलब्ध छन्। (पोइन्टको साथसाथै शूट, $ 1,298 USD USD)

क्यानर शक्तिश एल्फ 1 0 0 हो: स्केलको अर्को छेउमा यो $ 100 अमेरिकी डलर पोइन्ट-र शूसनबाट शूट हो। यो कार्य प्राप्त गर्दछ, एक 12X अप्टिकल जूम प्रदान गर्दछ, साथै तपाइँको जेबमा राम्रोसँग चिप्लन्छ। यद्यपि नेशनल भौगोलिक-गुणवत्ता शटहरू अपेक्षा नगर्नुहोस् यद्यपि। (पोइन्टको साथै शूट, $ 1 $ USS USD)

क्यानन पाउन्डर्सट G9x मार्क II: कम्तिमा दुई छनौटहरूको बीचमा दुई छनौटको बीचमा बस्दछ, G9 X मार्क II को गुणवत्ताको हिसाबले सोबानको लागि ठूलो सम्झौता राम्रो हुन्छ। उत्कृष्ट ब्याट्री जीवन, कठिन निर्माण, साथै wi-Fi प्रकार्य सेट अप समारोह सेट। (पोइन्ट साथै शूट, $ 429 USD)

Gopro हीरो blook कालो: अन्य निर्माताहरूको प्रयासहरूको बाबजुद पनि, जब यसले क्यामेराहरू चिन्ता गर्दछ, साथै त्यो गोरोट हो। यदि हीरो 9 राम्रोसँग मूल्यवान छ भने, हीरो 8 को निरीक्षण गर्नुहोस् जुन अत्यन्त समान छ। (कार्य क्याम, $ 349 USD USD)

निकोओन चिसो b700: निकनको सुपरजोमका लागि उत्कृष्ट विश्वसनीयता छ, साथै यस डिजाइनसँग पागल 600x अप्टिकल जुम छ। यो पनि ठूलो मूल्य छनौट पनि हो, ठोस समीक्षाको साथ, त्यसैले म यसलाई एक छनौटको रूपमा सुझाव दिँदै तपाईंको फोटोग्राफीमा धेरै अधिक प्रबन्धको लागि एक छनौटको रूपमा चाहान्छु। (सुपरजोम, $ 999 USD) (यहाँ केहि धेरै विकल्पहरू छन् जुन विभिन्न लागत पोइन्टहरूमा सोच्दछ।)

Lumix gx9 वा gx8: a 20..3 ships shiffly shiffly shifts shifts shiffers सेन्सर, kk भिडियो, वा ब्लुटुको साथसाथै एक दर्द प्रयोग गरेर। (साइलेसहित, $ 797 USD)

अल्फा 00300 वा A7R III: यदि तपाईं बजेट योजनामा ​​हुनुहुन्छ भने ढोकामा तपाईंको खुट्टा प्राप्त गर्न चाहानुहुन्छ, A6400 तपाईंको लागि भिडियो क्यामेरा हो। एक उच्च कौशल स्तर (र पर्याप्त नम्बरको साथ कसैको लागि, A7r III पहिलो-कक्षाको विकल्प हो, एक पूर्ण-फ्रेम सेन्सर, एक माध्यमिक SD स्लट, सुधारिएको ब्याट्री जीवन प्रदान गर्दछ। (साइलेसहित, $ 998- $ 2,300 अमेरिकी डलर)

X-T4: एक इलेक्ट्रोनिक दृश्य, 2mp सेन्सर, USB-C-C – COB-C-CTOCEC CONCECHES, साथै एक सानो भिडियो क्यामेरा चाहने को लागी एक उत्कृष्ट दर्पण विकल्प हो, यो अझै पनि पूर्ण पुस्तिकाको नियन्त्रण हो। (साइलेसहित, $ 1,999 USD USD)

क्यानन EOS 6D मार्क II: म यी दुई क्यामेराको दुई साथ शूट गर्न सँधै उनीहरूको प्रदर्शनबाट अचम्मित छु, विशेष गरी कम प्रकाशमा। तिनीहरू पूर्ण-फ्रेम सेन्सरको साथ सबैभन्दा हल्का एलभर्सहरू हुन्, साथै यस्तै वाइफाइका साथै जीपीएस पनि, पछिल्लो विशेष रूपमा यात्राको लागि उपयोगी भइरहेको छ। (DSLR, $ 1,9999 USD)

धेरै सबै भन्दा राम्रो यात्रा लेन्स प्राप्त गर्दै

यदि तपाईं एक दाना असंख्य भिडियो क्यामेरा वा स्लिभ प्रणाली खरीद गर्दै हुनुहुन्छ भने, त्यसपछि तपाईं लेन्स खरीद गर्न लाग्नु भएको छ। कमसेकम लेन्समा कम्तिमा पनि litns मा धेरै जसो धेरै संख्यामा, यदि अधिक छैन भने।

म आफैंले भिडियो क्यामेराको शरीर खरीद गर्दै सुझाव दिँदै सुझाव दिँदै पनि तपाईंको आवश्यकताहरू पूरा गर्न “किट-लेन्स” को सट्टामा यो समावेश हुन सक्छ।

एक लेन्सका दुईवटा विशेषताहरू छन्: fecal लम्बाई साथै अधिकतम एपर्चर।

एपर्रियरको अपर्टीको संख्या, भिडियो क्यामेराले तपाईंलाई विभिन्न प्रभावहरू सम्पन्न गर्न सक्षम पार्दछ (मैले यस श्रृतिमा दोस्रो प्रकाशनमा वर्णन गरिएझैं।

फोकल लम्बाई लेन्स को जुम तत्व हो – MM मा ठूलो संख्या, लेन्स प्रदान गर्दछ; संख्यामा कम, कम म्याग्निफिकेसन।

लेन्स मा के हेर्न को लागी
यात्रा उद्देश्यका लागि, म दुई यात्रा लेन्स खरीद गर्न सिफारिस गर्दछु:

एक कम महँगो “प्राइम” लेनहरू around0 मिलिमिटरको साथै 1 around0 मिलीग्रामका साथै 1 1.8 को एपर्चरको साथ, चित्रहरू वा खानाको लागि आदर्श।

एक राम्रो गुणवत्ता “पैदल” Zoom “जुम-जूम ​​लेन्स एक व्यापक फोकल विविधताका साथ तपाइँले ब्रॉटल परिदृश्यबाट मानिसहरुको बन्द-अप शट गर्न को लागी प्राप्त गर्न दिनुहोस्। 2 24-105 मिलिमिटरमा केहि हुन सक्छ।

उत्कृष्ट यात्रा फोटोग्राफी सामानहरू

तपाईंले क्यामेरा खरीद गर्दा सामानहरू खरीद गर्नका लागि केही पैसामा एलिमेन्ट गर्नुपर्दछ। म निम्न सुझाव दिन्छु:

स्पेयर ब्याट्री: प्राय: भिडियो क्यामेरा ब्याट्रीहरू 30000–500 शटका लागि गएको छ, त्यसैले तपाइँले केहि दिनको लागि शक्ति लिनुहुनेछ, एक दोस्रो ब्याट्रीले तपाइँले ग्यारेन्टी गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ कि तपाईं अस्वीकार गर्नुहुन्छ। एक क्षण मिस। म तपाइँको userer बाट आश्वासन अनुकूलताको लागि ब्याट्री खरीद गर्न सिफारिस गर्दछु। मूल्य: सामान्यतया $ 30 अमेरिकी डलर।

बाह्य difficult drive: Depending on the capability of your laptop, you may discover you requirement an outside difficult drive to store your photos. I travel with three Transcend ruggedized difficult drives as well as store backups of my pictures across two of them, in addition to synchronize them to a cloud-based backup when I have quick sufficient Internet. Price: currently around $79 USD for a 2TB model.

Filters: Lenses aren’t cheap. pick up a fairly low-cost UV filter for the front of your lens, as well as if you scratch it, you’ll just requirement to replace the filter rather than the whole lens. I would likewise suggest investing in a polarizing filter (as I discussed in the second publish in the series). Price: the larger the filter, the much more costly it is. $10–100 USD, with Hoya, B+W, as well as Tiffen being respectable brands.

Memory cards: Memory cards are cheap, so pick up one or two class 10 32GB or 64GB cards that’ll let you keep shooting for ages. I’ve not discovered much difference between brands, as well as have never had a card stop working in all my years shooting. Price: $15-30 USD for 64GB.

Tripod: A tripod can truly broaden your innovative possibilities, letting you take longer exposures as well as play with time. even a little travel tripod can reap dividends for your travel photography. once again though, if you don’t believe you’ll utilize it, don’t purchase one. Price: $100 USD will get you a completely respectable model. I utilize the VEO variety of Vanguard tripods, which in shape well into a bag as well as evaluate around 5 lbs, with costs ranging from $150 to $350 USD.

Never fail to remember that the most powerful photography tool is you — not your camera! I traveled the world with an old 10-megapixel Canon Rebel SLR for years, creating both award-winning as well as income-generating photography from — by today’s requirements — a extremely fundamental bit of kit.

It is far much more essential to invest time in discovering exactly how to take much better pictures than throwing money at gear. Do your research, figure out your personal travel style, as well as pick the gear that is best for you, based on weight, price, as well as your personal discovering goals.

If that video camera turns out to be a smartphone, awesome. the very best video camera for traveling is the one you are going to be taking with you whenever you walk out your door as well as head into the world as well as the one that fits your budget.

Laurence started his journey in June 2009 after quitting the business life. His blog, Finding the Universe, catalogs his experiences as well as is a fantastic resource for photography advice! You can likewise discover him on Facebook as well as Instagram. He likewise teaches a extensive on the internet photography course.

More travel photography Tips!

For much more practical travel photography tips, be sure to inspect out the rest of Laurence’s travel photography series:

Part 1 – exactly how to Take expert travel Photos

Part 2 – exactly how to Shoot the ideal travel Photograph

Part 3 – finest Cameras as well as gear to Get

Part 4 – exactly how to Take the ideal Photo: advanced Techniques

Part 5 – 7 Editing suggestions to enhance Your travel Photographs

Book Your Trip: Logistical suggestions as well as Tricks
तपाईंको उडान किताब
Find a affordable flight by utilizing Skyscanner. It’s my preferred browse engine since it searches sites as well as airlines around the globe so you always understand no stone is left unturned.

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You can book your hostel with Hostelworld. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, utilize as they consistently return the most affordable rates for guesthouses as well as hotels.

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Ready to book Your Trip?
Check out my resource page for the very best business to utilize when you travel. I listing all the ones I utilize when I travel. They are the very best in class as well as you can’t go wrong utilizing them on your trip.

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