स्थानीय जनहरूका लागि धेरै सर्वश्रेष्ठ देशहरूका लागि साधारण जडानहरू

“तपाईंले सन्तुष्ट हुनुभएको सबैको बारेमा सोच्नुहोस् जुन तपाईं सन्तुष्ट हुनुहुनेछ जस्तो तपाईं साँच्चिकै सोच्नुहुन्छ

मानिसहरूलाई भेट्ने मानिसहरू यात्राको उत्कृष्ट फाइदाहरू मध्ये एक हो र सन्तोषजनक क्षेत्रीय जनताहरू मध्ये एक हो जुन तपाईले यात्रा गर्नुभएको देशको गहिरो अन्तर्दृष्टि प्राप्त गर्न। तिनीहरूको जीवन तपाईको आफ्नै भन्दा फरक हुन सक्छ, यद्यपि संस्कृतिको लागि उनीहरूको जिज्ञासाको लागि फरक हुन सक्छ। परिवार सँधै साझेदारी हुन्छ।

क्षेत्रीय जनतालाई सन्तुष्ट गर्न सधैं सरल हुँदैन, त्यहाँ केही देशहरू पनि विदेशी प्रविधिको लागि राम्रोसँग डराउँदछन्। अन्य केसहरूमा, पर्यटनप्रति केही दुश्मना हुन सक्छ साथै स्थानीयले पर्यटकहरूसँग धेरै कुराकानी नगर्न छान्छन्। कहिलेकाँही तिनीहरू हामीदेखि डराउँछन्! यद्यपि धेरै देशहरूमा क्षेत्रीय बासिन्दाहरू घरभित्रै हिंडिरहेका छन् जुन उनीहरू घर फर्केका थिए।

जडानहरू साथै साथीहरू सिर्जना गर्ने मित्रले हामीलाई हामीले देख्ने वा हामी जित्ने कठिनाइहरू भन्दा धेरै प्रभाव पार्दछ। यदि तपाईं क्षेत्रीय जनताका साथ साथै विश्वभरि नयाँ साथीहरूसँग लिंक गर्न खोज्नुहुन्छ भने, यहाँ केहि देशहरू छन् जहाँ यो साथीहरू बनाउन अत्यन्त सरल छ!

1. इरान:

यदि तपाईंले ईरानको बारेमा हाम्रो लेख जाँच गर्नुभयो भने, तपाईंले त्यहाँ राम्ररी बुझ्नुहुनेछ। ईरानीहरू मित्रैलो थिए र दयालु थिए, यद्यपि तिनीहरूको अपूर्ण कौसीताको साथसाथै कुन कुराले हाम्रो भलाईको लागि पूर्ण रूपमा विशेष बनायो। यो प्रत्येक साथसाथै जस्तो देखिन्थ्यो कि तिनीहरू सबै इरानमा जोखिमपूर्ण यात्राको साथसाथै जोखिमपूर्ण यात्राको साथ पक्का गर्यौं कि हामीले यस देशलाई नयाँ दृष्टिकोण राख्यौं। जब हामी एक सामाजिक सेटिंग मा थियौं, ईरानीहरूले हामीलाई एक प्रश्न सोध्न आफ्नो हिम्मत को विकास को विकास को रूप मा, साथै जब हामी मित्रैलो कुराकानीमा थियौं, हामी आफैंलाई अर्थपूर्ण अंकहरूको रूपमा खोल्न चाहन्छौं कुल अपरिचितहरूको साथ।

इरान एक देश हो जहाँ तपाइँ बस्ने ठाउँमा राख्नुपर्दैन यदि तपाईँ चाहानु हुन्न भने कि यात्रुहरु को लागी आमन्त्रित छन् को साथ साथै खाना टेबलहरु, एक सम्मान छुटेनन्! हाम्रोलागि, नयाँ, स्थायी मित्रताहरू बनाउन कुनै सजिलो स्थान थिएन। हामीसँग इरानमा धेरै राम्रा साथीहरू पनि छन् र आजसम्म हामी उनीहरूसँग सम्पर्कमा रहन्छौं।

2. इजिप्ट:

धेरै यात्रीहरूले मिश्रीहरूसँगको भावनाहरू मिश्रित गरेका छन्, यद्यपि हाम्रो अनुभव पछि हामी मानिसहरूलाई यसरी महसुस गर्न गाह्रो लाग्छ। यात्रा व्यक्तिगत र हाम्रो लागि हो, इजिप्ट हो, इजिप्टको सबैभन्दा ठूला स्थानहरू थिए। हामीले साना मुसा घरमा बस्न सन्तुष्ट भएका मानिसहरूलाई सन्तुष्ट पार्दै, एक स्टोभ, भाँडाका साथै कपहरू, साथै तिनीहरू हामीलाई एक कप चियाको लागि आमन्त्रित गर्थे। हामी तिनीहरूको आधारभूत कुरामा बसिरहेका थियौं, जीवित स्थानका साथै उनीहरूले जे पनि पाउँदछौं र हामी छक्क पर्न सक्दैनौं कि त्यसबेलाले हामीलाई यति धेरै प्रदान गर्दछ। इजिप्टमा स्थानीयहरूलाई चिया पनि चिया थियो र हामी आफैंले प्रति दिन धेरै कप पिउने पत्ता लगायौं। यदि तपाईं इजिप्टमा जानुहुन्छ भने, निश्चित गर्नुहोस् कि तपाईंले सडकमा हिंड्दा ध्यानपूर्वक सुन्नुभयो। तिनीहरू आफैंमा सामेल हुनुका साथै तिनीहरूसँग लज्जित हुनुका साथै लजालुल हो, तथापि यदि तपाईं तिनीहरूको साथ सुन्नुहुन्छ भने, तपाईंको यात्रा अनुभवहरू यसको लागि धनी हुनेछ।

My. म्याएनरर:

यो त्यस्तो देश हो जहाँ चीजहरू छिटो परिवर्तन गर्दैछन्। केही वर्ष पहिले नम्मरमा म्यानमार सामूहिक पर्यटनको साथ साथै जनताका जनताले काटिएको थियो, उनीहरूको जिज्ञासाले तिनीहरूलाई अस्वीकार गरे। जब हामी जनवरी, 2012 मा जाँच गर्यौं, हामीले मूल व्यक्तिहरूको सन्तुष्ट गर्यौं जसले क्यानाडाका साथै पश्चिममा जीवनको बारेमा पत्ता लगाउन चाहन्थे। पत्रिकाहरू, स्टिकरहरू र कलमले तिनीहरूलाई विश्वास भन्दा टाढा उत्साहित पार्दछ, जब हामी सन्तुष्ट छौं, पहिलो पटक सेतो अनुहारहरू देखीरहेका थिए। प्राय: जब हामी म्यानमारको बसमा सवारी गर्दै थियौं, महिलाहरू दिक्क लाग्थ्यो, अन्ततः उनको पाखुरा सफा गर्दै र उनको छालामा छक्क पर्दै। Burmese people are quite timid at times, so if you want to link with them, you may have to make the very first move. however even if you can’t interact with language, their smiles as well as evident inquisitiveness will sustain a conversation long sufficient to ended up being friends!

Our class In Naloy Village, Myanmar
We taught English in a small village in northern Myanmar where we satisfied lots of charming kids as well as friendly villagers. Click right here for that story!

4. Nepal:

Most of our experiences in Nepal were in the Annapurna region, where a mainly Tibetan culture harbours an exceptionally hospitable group of people. As the hiking tracks in this region ended up being a lot more as well as a lot more popular, the inhabitants right here discovered a excellent method to link with foreigners, while making money to support their families. They converted their houses into tea houses, where trekkers can stop, eat tasty regional food as well as spend the night for a little fee. This makes Nepal one of the biggest locations to satisfy regional people. It’s as simple as knocking on a door! Some tea homes are larger, as well as less intimate, however if you discover a little house with a single household running the place, you’ll have a excellent insight of regional culture as well as daily life for these high altitude survivors.

5. Kyrgyzstan:

Thanks to neighborhood based tourism jobs like CBT as well as Shepard’s Life, Kyrgyzstan might quickly be the very best location in the world to satisfy locals! terrific village homestays around the country makes it simple to discover about the Kyrgyz method of life. You can just phone call CBT or go to their closest office (they’re everywhere) as well as discover a homestay that’s ideal for you. when you’ve selected a home, a household member will come as well as pick you up as well as show you back to the house, where you get your own relaxing room.  The finest part of the homestays in Kyrgyzstan is the food. The households cook up the very best meals you’ll ever discover in the country, from hearty stews to tender kababs, the food is amazing!

Some of you may be able to link with locals in countries where we had difficulty. In locations like Morocco as well as Malawi, we discovered it extremely difficult to make sincere connections with the natives as well as we discovered that they were normally expecting monetary get from our interactions. however this may be since we were staying as well close to the vacationer trail. There is a new resource that travellers can utilize to satisfy locals however, as well as it’s called WithLocals. This great new web site helps travellers to have genuine connections with the people in the countries they travel to, while assisting the locals out economically as well. It’s like a significant network of house stays around southern Asia. Locals produce a profile as well as offer travellers the chance to stay with them for a little fee. They likewise have cooking classes, hikes, meals as well as day trips.

It’s like couch surfing, however as we know, feeding as well as housing foreigners is not always an affordable high-end for lots of of the world’s inhabitants. Now, thanks to WithLocals.com they can make a few dollars to feed their families, while providing tourists the chance to stay with them! It’s truly a win-win for everybody as well as it’s a job that we’re ecstatic to promote right here on Goats On The Road. Not only are we ecstatic to share it with you, our readers, however we’re truly looking ahead to trying out the service as soon as we’re back on the road.

Meeting locals has always been a top concern for us when we’re travelling as well as lots of of the friendships we’ve forged have stayed to this day. the very best part of making good friends in new countries, is the chance to return as well as see them once again one day. For us, sites, cuisine, as well as history always come second to the amazing good friends we make along the way. travel is all about satisfying people as well as discovering new things, as well as we look ahead to a future of new friends, both regional as well as foreign.

Have you ever had problem satisfying locals abroad? Where did you discover the most meaningful connections? show us in the comments below!

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