किन पर्यटकहरूले स्थानहरू बिगार्छन्

अपडेट 11/2239 | अपडेट 11/2394 अपडेट गरियो नोभेम्बर 2 23. 201।

पछिल्लो गर्मी गर्मी, जब म स्वीडेनमा बस्दै थिएँ, विश्व गन्तव्यको संख्या पछाडिको जनपक्षीय गाईडहरूको लागि गाईड गाईडहरू छन्। हामी यात्राको बारेमा कुरा गर्दै थियौं (जसरी यात्राकर्ता लेखकहरूको रूपमा, हामी यस संसारको साथ बाँडिरहेका स्थानहरू नष्ट गर्दैछौं भनेर विश्वस्त पार्ने स्थानहरू नष्ट गर्दैछौं।

ती अफ-पिटिएको-ट्र्याक गन्तव्यहरूको बारेमा कम्पोजिंग गरेर, ती बिट क्षेत्रीय रेष्टुरेन्टहरू, साथै तपाईं पर्यटकहरूको आत्मीय भागहरू र यी गन्तव्यहरूको अन्तरपाल गर्न योगदान गर्नुहुन्छ?

जब म यस प्रश्नको बारेमा सोच्दछु, म दुई चीजको बारेमा विश्वास गर्दछु। सर्वप्रथम, म टोनी छेडेटको बारेमा विश्वास गर्दछु, एक्लो ग्रहको सृष्टिकर्ता, जुन एक व्यक्ति जो धेरै व्यवसायिकरणको ब्याकप्याकिंग। उहाँ त्यस्तो व्यक्ति हुनुहुन्छ जसले यसलाई किलो फिल्मा परिणत गर्नुभयो, जुन बायाँ तस्वीर जस्तो देखिन्थ्यो र अहिले दायाँ जस्तो देखिन्छ:

दोस्रो, म थाईल्याण्डमा मेरो आँखालाई मनमा राख्दछु (एउटा सानो, बाहिर-मार्गको गन्तव्य) का साथसाथै त्यो टापुहरू पछिल्ला केही वर्षहरूमा बसिरहेको छ। अम्पम गरिएको प्रगतिले यो सानो टापु लिएको छ साथै यसलाई रिसोर्टहरू सहित हटाएको छ साथै यसलाई निहित कोरल चतुरलाई आवश्यकताहरू पूरा गर्न आवश्यक छ।

र म कसरी सँधै कोरल बे, अष्ट्रेलियाको साथसाथै कुरा गर्छु – अस्ट्रेलियाको साथसाथै मँ अन्य दुई शहरहरू साथै विश्वभरका रेस्टुरेन्टहरू पनि) साथै प्रोत्साहनका साथ। “त्यहाँ जाउ! तिनीहरू डरलाग्दो रूपमा भीड पनि छन्, “म प्रचार गर्छु।

अर्को “खोजेड” ठाउँमा मानिसहरूलाई ड्राइभिंग गरेर, के म यसलाई बिगार्छु? के म त्यो व्यक्ति हुँ जसले फर्कन्छ र भन्छन्, “मानिस, यो स्थान 10 बर्ष पहिले भयानक हुन प्रयोग गरिन्छ।

तर, जबकि बिल्कुल निर्दोष छैन, म विश्वास गर्दिन कि गन्तव्यहरु को लागी साक्षीहरु को भीड को साथसाथै धेरै overfricted होटल हुन को लागी। (र, यी दिनहरू, त्यहाँ एक ठूलो पक्षहरू छन् जुन उतारतवादमा जान्छ। यो एक जटिल छ – साथै समस्या!)

दस वर्षको विश्वको यात्रा पछि, म यो पहिचान गर्न आउँछ कि यो एक गन्तव्य बिगार्नेहरु बिगार्ने पर्यटकहरु।

र म दर्शकहरु को बढावा को रूप मा मात्र संकेत छैन। म सूचित गर्दछु कि पर्यटकहरू असुरक्षित पर्यटन अभ्यासहरू समर्थन गर्दछ, साथै यो वास्तवमा एक ठाउँ नष्ट गर्दछ।

हामी केवल मृत्युमा स्थानहरू जस्तै छौं।

किनभने, एक प्रजातिको रूपमा, मानिसहरू गधाहरूको प्रकार हुन्।

हामी स्थिरताका साथसाथै कुरा गर्न सक्दछौं।

र त्यसपछि के हुन्छ?

तपाईं धेरै स्थानीयहरू देख्नुहुन्छ जो शर्टबाज गरिन्छ र होटेल, रिसोर्टहरू, साथै हालको यात्रा FAD मा पैसा दिन सेवाहरू। साथै, जसले तिनीहरूलाई दोष दिनुहुन्छ? मानिसहरू आवश्यक पर्दछ, केटाकेटीहरू कलेजलाई पठाइनु पर्छ र पैसा कमाउनु पर्छ। भविष्य भनेको अरू कसैको समस्या हो, हैन? साथ साथै म साँच्चिकै गलत गल्ती गर्न सक्दिन। म यस बृद्धि को एक प्रविधि राख्न सहमत छैन (जहाँसुकै जीवनमा मात्र होइन), यद्यपि तपाईं कसरी कसैलाई बताउनुहुन्छ कि उनीहरू आफ्नो परिवारलाई खुवाउन केहि विकास गर्न सक्दैनन्?

म केहि वर्षहरू नयाँ योर्क फ्रिडमबाट नयाँ योर्क फ्री-टु-अफररबाट केही वर्ष पछि ब्राजिलमा वर्षावर्कको बारेमा बोल्दैछु। अन्तर्वार्तामा एक स्थानीय कार्यकर्ताले भनेका छन् कि मानिसहरू खाने आवश्यकता पर्ने छ, र कुनै वैकल्पिक बिना नै, रूखहरू सुरक्षाको लागि धेरै खान्छन्।

र यो केवल स्थानीय मात्र होइन जसले यो गर्छन्।

Large corporations are available in as well as take full advantage of lax regulation, low wages, as well as corrupt officials. Greenwashing, the method of pretending you’re engaging in environmentally friendly actions, is extremely prevalent in travel.

(I believe lots of countries in the world, including my own, must enact stronger environmental legislations to assist curb extreme building as well as advancement to make sure people take a longer view.)

Development is good, however unfettered advancement is poor and, unfortunately, there’s as well much-unfettered advancement in tourism today.

But here’s why I put a great deal of blame on visitors: As a writer, it’s crucial for me to not only highlight destinations (Go here! It’s great!), however to likewise highlight obligation so future generations can benefit from the location as well as take pleasure in it. There are a great deal of fantastic environmental travel blogs out there, as well as while this site offers a lot more with the functional side of travel, I’ve talked about ruined locations before as well as the requirement for much better environmental security lots of times.

But, as tourists, we likewise have a obligation to the destination. If we regular operators, hotels, as well as services that are destructive — not only to the environment, however likewise to the regional economic climate — we can’t truly be shocked when we encounter mass advancement as well as “ruined,” overcrowded attractions.

How you spend your money is your vote for whether or not you accept what business do. You understand why business have jumped on the environment-friendly bandwagon? Money. Sure, some really care about the environment, however for 99% of them, it’s money.

People will pay a lot more money if they feel like they’re positively impacting the environment. Wal-Mart executives are quite open about the truth that they began selling environment-friendly as well as organic products since their clients were demanding it as well as there was money to be made.

I believe the exact same is true in travel.

We have a option in the vendors we use, the hotels we stay in, as well as the excursion operators we hire. Our dollars go extremely far in establishing countries, as well as the services there will modification if we demand it. begin demanding great environmental methods as well as unexpectedly you’ll discover them. If a lot more as well as a lot more people tell services that they want to see much better environmental practices, they’ll happen.

You’ve discovered a business underpaying or mistreating their regional staff? Or partaking in destructive practices? let them understand as well as utilize their competitors. There’s a great deal of info on the internet that can assist you discover a lot more about business to avoid:

Cruise Critic

Green worldwide travel Blog

National geographic eco-friendly Living Resources

I feel that lots of people, when provided the ideal information, will make the ideal choice. And, as a travel writer, I’d like to motivate people to make that ideal choice. That indicates looking up the environmental record of the hotel or resort you’re staying in, selecting a excursion business that is ecologically friendly, as well as avoiding destinations that are already overdeveloped. exactly how do you do that? A bit research study as well as typical sense.

But I can’t stop people from behaving terribly when they get to a destination. I can just push them in the ideal direction.

If we push locals to be eco-friendly, they will. If writers push travelers to be eco-friendly, perhaps they will. It’s a virtuous circle in which all of us contribute.

We all bear some responsibility, however those whose money supports the ruinous methods bear the most.

It’s not the volume of travel that matters, however exactly how that volume is handled. as well as we have a obligation to make sure that the volume we produce is well managed.

Or you might extremely well be the last person to see that destination in all of its splendor.

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तपाईंको उडान किताब
घुमाउर्हार प्रयोग गरेर एक सस्तो उडान फेला पार्नुहोस्। It’s my preferred browse engine since it searches web sites as well as airlines around the globe so you always understand no stone is left unturned.

तपाईंको आवास बुक गर्नुहोस्
तपाईं होस्टेलवर्ल्डको साथ तपाईंको होस्टल बुक गर्न सक्नुहुनेछ। If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, utilize Booking.com as they consistently return the least expensive rates for guesthouses as well as hotels.

यात्रा बीमा सम्झन असफल नहुनुहोस्
Travel insurance coverage will secure you against illness, injury, theft, as well as cancellations. It’s detailed security in situation anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to utilize it lots of times in the past. मेरो मनपर्ने व्यवसाय जसले धेरै उत्तम सेवाका साथै मानहरू प्रदान गर्दछ:

सेभेरेडिंग (सबैको लागि उत्तम)

मेरो यात्रा बीमा (ती of0 भन्दा बढीको लागि)

मेडजेट (अतिरिक्त निकासी कभरेजको लागि)

तपाईंको यात्रा बुक गर्न तयार हुनुहुन्छ?
Check out my resource page for the very best business to utilize when you travel. जब म यात्रा गर्दछु म सबै व्यक्तिहरूको सूची बनाउँदैछु। They are the very best in class as well as you can’t go wrong utilizing them on your trip.

Photo of Ko Phi Phi thanks to the traveling Canucks. It’s a fantastic blog; you must checked out it.

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